Monday, August 28, 2006

Woo First Day!

Today was my first day of teaching 7th grade. It's 9:30pm and I am totally off to bed.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Cheap toys

If you are too lazy to make some knitted mice for your kittens, toilet paper tubes make surprisingly good toys.




Howl sleeping

Howl sleeps with her back to me.

I turned her bed around so I could take a picture. She woke up and was not happy, but still way tired.

Still can't see her face well, but she's cute and all curled up!

One eye open

Calcifer sleeps with one eye open.

Close up.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Here are my felted mice. Well, one is felted. I gave the first one a super long tail so I could wiggle it and not get scratched. The kittens are also able to play with it together, one getting the tail and one the body. I tied the bell ball to it for some noise. I have a bell to put into the second one when I finally felt it. I have grand plans of making them for all my friends. We'll see how that goes. Pattern I used for felted mice.

First trip to the vet!

We just got back from the vet. As last time, Howl tried to sleep the whole ride while Calcifer threw a fit. It was a shorter drive and they'd both almost gone to sleep when we got there, so I think they are calming down. The place was nice, pretty busy. The kittens were very good, and I was told that someone who worked there wanted to walk out with one of the kittens because they were so cute.
They got some shots and lost some blood. I get to take poopy samples for their next appt. Do I need to sit and watch them so I know who's poop is whose? Fun.

I have two of these to take the poop samples with.

And the Vet's wife knows Leng, and he (the Vet) knew Ann and Bethany, who I had put down as people who refered us. Do they get prizes? A free tube of Advantex? We got a free one for each kitten, and two bags of kitten food, for buying the kitten package with shots that stuff.

We got a free one for each kitten, and two bags of kitten food, for buying the kitten package with shots that stuff.

There was a guy there, I guess he had to put his cat down? The Vet said they had a room if he wanted to sit with her, and he asked if he could take her to the car. I think he went out there to cry with her. I almost cried just watching it. But hopefully it'll be like 20 years before I have to go through that with Calcifer and Howl.

And they are both girls! So with the two robo hamsters (Mado and Lucy) and Sophie, we have all girl fuzzy* pets.

*The fish are not fuzzy, and how do you sex fish when both sexes look the same?


Oh, and I'll tell you what I told the vet techs. Calcifer has a black nose, and Howl has a pink nose.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Knitting basket

My hot knitting basket. It's gotten quite a bit larger since a new yarn store opened in West Sac, along with a 25% off everything sale.

Lets just say I can't go into another yarn store for like a year.

First day home!

First picture when we own the kittens (or are owned by them, as some cat enthusiasts prefer).


Calcifer did not like the carrier. S/he started throwing a fit about five minutes into the hour long car ride.


This is Calcifer's paw. She got me a few times, but thank god she didn't scratch the camera.


Of course, when we got home the kittens had no problem being in the carrier and in fact, did not want to leave.



Sunday, August 06, 2006

Granny's purse

I don't really like how it came out, but everyone says they love it.

I think they are lying.

Yuk's scarf

Is the red ok? Do you see what I am installing while I knit?

Kitty Pi

So I finished my Kitty Pi bed:

My monster face shirt is so freakin' awesome.

Here's Calcifer and Howl (Howell!!!) checking it out.

They only want to attack it, not sleep in it. Should I retire it until they are bigger?

Knitting and Kittens

Yay for both!