Sunday, August 06, 2006

Knitting and Kittens

Yay for both!


At 8/08/2006 2:20 PM, Blogger Little Blue Petal said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! I saved all of the hair I had brushed out of my cat over the course of approx 10 years! Then I spun all of the fur with a drop-spindle and knitted him a sweater of his own fur for when he was old and felt the cold. He used to wash it like it was his attached fur! So funny! Look forward to reading more of your blog! LBP x (Love the cats' Miyazaki names BTW!)

At 8/09/2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Melinda D said...

Have you read the book? It is rather entertaining as well.
Did your cat have long or short hair?

ps Did you hear Nicole Kidman is set to play Mrs. Coulter?

At 8/11/2006 10:25 AM, Blogger Little Blue Petal said...

Yes, I have read the book! Fab!
My cat did have long hair, but in theory you could spin pretty much anything. I like your felt mousie idea! Bet they go nuts with those! I make catnip mousies out of unbleached flannels for my lot of moggies. They don't last for long though. I think they must eat them! I buy huge bags of organic catnip off of eBay for just a few quid (Herbmoon Hollow). LBP x


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